first part of logo 'Máš' second part of logo 'umělecké' third part of logo 'střevo' forth part of logo '?'

9th Year—2017/2018


High School and College of Art and Design in Brno


Kristýna Kučerová, Dorota Václavíková, Tereza Hlouchová, Tereza Dostálová

Exceptional pedagogical achievement

Jana Polášková, Gymnázium J. Seiferta in Prague

The most interesting project selected by the jury is called “Entity” by four students from the High School and College of Art and Design in Brno (Kristýna Kučerová, Dorota Václavíková, Tereza Hlouchová, Tereza Dostálová). The artwork features a video with its authors in a gym carrying out various activities while spontaneously complementing each other. „The authors offered a simple and at the same time very complex interpretation of the topic Identity both artistically and choreographically. An important role played the close collaboration of the girls, which were complementing each other,“ says the president of the jury Kateřina Vincourová. The prize for the winning authors is the touring award by the artist Pavla Sceranková as well as the opportunity to exhibit their work in the Convent of St Agnes of Bohemia  in the National Gallery in Prague and also the graphic pads from the company Wacom/Amos Software.

Winning Project: