first part of logo 'Máš' second part of logo 'umělecké' third part of logo 'střevo' forth part of logo '?'

MUS office
Máš umělecké střevo?
Pražské kreativní centrum
Staroměstské nám. 4/1, 110 00 Staré Město
2nd floor – Dům U Minuty

Author of the project
Ondřej Horák
mobile: +420 604 558 033

Author of exhibition and educational projects, initiator of the platform Máš umělecké střevo? (2009). Lecturer at the National Gallery in Prague (2005-09). Head of the GASK Teaching Center (2009-11), tranzitdisplay (2014 – 16) and Rudolfinum Gallery (2016-18). Curator of the project Benzinka (2006-10), author of the project Paintings for the Blind, Paintings at Seniors (2011), Prison: a Place for the Arts (2011-12), Acropolis (2014-15), Prague – Border (2018-19). Author of the publications “Why images do not need names” (2014, Magnesia Litera Award), “Guide to Uneasy Territory 1, 2” (2016, 2018), Klacky v galerii (2017), editor of publications “Místa počinu” (2009), “Pro koho to děláš?”(2015) or “Prague brutally beautiful” (2018).

Project manager
Jiří Raiterman
Mobile: +420 602 778 949

Educator, head of educational and family programs in DOX Center for Contemporary Art, Prague, member of expert board NIPOS – ARTAMA. Lecturer at the National Gallery in Prague (2002-05), Head of the lecturer department at the Chodovská tvrz (2011 – 13). Winner of the Edulína Award for innovation in education in the category Price of the jury (2016), member of the music band Lajky and several theater groups. Since 2014 he is part of the platform Máš umělecké střevo?

Bohdana Kolenová
Mobile: +420 606 937 057

After studying production at DAMU in Prague, she worked with a number of theaters (Disk, Ponec, Divadlo Komedie), in 2005-07 she worked as a marketing manager for the theatre Divadlo Na Zábradlí, since 2015 she leads Program and Promotion Department at the NKP Vyšehrad, member of the Máš umělecké střevo? platform since 2015.

Accompanying programs
Tereza Beranová
She studied set design, production and education at DAMU. She works as a set designer and costume designer. Since 2007 she has been working with National Gallery, Prague as an external lecturer of school programs and public programs. Since 2018 she has been running a studio for youths. She has been cooperating with MUS plattform since 2018, she created an accompanying program for PQ, 4 Days in Motion or Signal Festival.

Coordinator of primary school projects
Romana Bartůňková
Teacher, Methodist and Artist. She works as a high school and university teacher, she also worked in elementary education. As an art editor she participated in a series of books of value education My jsme svět (2019), she has written a number of professional and critical texts (A2, Studio), she was curator of the Room in Gallery in Ústí nad Labem (2010-12), she is also the author of several artistic interventions in public space and exhibitions, she worked as coordinator of education for Člověk v tísni (2005-15). She focuses on linking art and social engagement. Since 2019 she is the coordinator of the project Praha 10, neseď.

International communication
Lucie Bradáčová

Communication, PR
Tomáš Drahorád

Creative cooperation
Artist, illustrator, animator. Author of short animated films for various media (Česká televize / TV Prima/ / Playtvá, book publications (Klacky v galerii, 2017 / Proč umění? 2019), music videos or campaigns for festivals, theaters, schools or charities. In cooperation with MUS he created several interactive projects for galleries (Artpark in Rudolfinum Gallery 2017, History of Art by Prof. Škreček, SNG 2019), animated series the History of Art by Professor Křeček (since 2018), he also participated in art festivals (4 days in motion, PQ).

Martin Vančát
Studio Breisky

Cooperating institutions
Národní galerie Praha
Moravská galerie v Brně
Centrum současného umění DOX
Galerie Rudolfinum
Slovenská národní galerie v Bratislavě (SNG)
Státní umělecké sbírky v Drážďanech (Staatliche Kunstsammlungen Dresden)
Muzeum současného umění ve Wroclawi (Muzeum Współczesne Wrocław)
Ludwig Múzeum v Budapešti

Cooperation (representatives of institutions)
Silvie Šeborová (MG)
Monika Sybolová (NG)
Oldřich Bystřický (NG)
Luba Hédlová (Galerie Lidice)
Karin Kottová (CJCH)
Michal Kučerák (DOX)
Vanda Skálová (VCG Pardubice)
Kateřina Minaříková (MG)

Former and contemporary collaborators
Andrea Demek
Daniel Hochmuth
Michaela Kabátníková
Lenka Hluchá
Marie Kašparová
Jiří Franta
Daniela Valešová
Eva Chudomelová
Tereza Sochorová
Rák Kálmán
Dominika Antonie Skalová

The author of the traveling prize
Pavla Sceranková

Author of the logo and website graphic design
Studio Kosatko

Competition support
Ministerstvo kultury ČR
Magistrát Hl. města Prahy
Městská část Praha 7

Partner of accompanying activities of the competition
Wacom / Amos Software
Media support
Art + Antiques
Fotograf Magazin
Revolver Revue

Billing information
Ovenecká 376/4
Praha 7, 170 00
Česká republika
č.ú.: 2501291458/2010
IBAN: CZ1120100000002501291458
IČ: 038 06 413
DIČ: CZ03806413