first part of logo 'Máš' second part of logo 'umělecké' third part of logo 'střevo' forth part of logo '?'

10th year—2018/2019


Střední umělecká škola, Ostrava


DOX - Centre for contemporary art

President of the jury

Mark Ther

Other members of the jury

Barbora Danišová, Ondřej Horák, Lucia Kotvanová, Jiří Raiterman, Monika Sybolová, Barbora Škaloudová, Mark Ther

Střední umělecká škola, Ostrava
High School of Art, Ostrava
Hedvika Ocásková, Matěj Sumec: Black Pack

DOX Center for Contemporary Art, April 26, 2019
Jury Chairman
Mark Ther

Jury Members
Barbora Danišová, Ondřej Horák, Lucia Kotvanová, Jiří Raiterman, Monika Sybolová, Barbora
Škaloudová, Mark Ther

The tenth anniversary of the competition focused on the theme of Collecting. Students were asked to work with different forms of collection – what subjects do we collect? How do we sort our collections? Do we give them names? What does collecting look like in the Internet era and in the seemingly endless possibility of collecting a variety of everyday records? And why do we collect things? Their projects, which were elaborated throughout the school year were presented to a jury of representatives of the largest gallery institutions in Central Europe headed by the artist, the laureate of the Jindřich Chalupecký Award, Mark Ther.

More than 100 students from many schools and their teachers participated in the national finals. The competition jury was most impressed by the project of two students, Hedvika Ocásková and Matěj Sumec from High School of Arts in Ostrava. The final work captures their project carried out directly at the school. They put black covers on all the artwork displayed on the walls of the school. This resulted into an art collection of works that could not be seen.“We were impressed by the uncompromising nature of the project and the efforts of students to actively and critically participate in their surroundings. In addition, their ‘collection’ offers other possible interpretations,” says jury representative Lucia Kotvanová from Kunsthalle Bratislava. The reward for the authors of the winning project is a traveling prize from artist Pavla Sceranková and the opportunity to exhibit their works in the premises of the DOX Center for Contemporary Art in Prague or also graphics tablets from Wacom / Amos Software.

The international jury awarded five more projects. “Traditionally, this was a difficult decision, among the awarded works was highly appreciated the work of students from the Poděbrady School of Multimedia. Studies or students from the Prague Jan Kepler Grammar School. Most of the final presentations were great and therefore revealed the great potential of our students, ”says Ondřej Horák, one of the organizers of the competition.

2nd place
Ekogymnázium a SOŠ Multimediálních studií, Poděbrady
EKO Grammar School and Secondary School Multimedia Studio, Poděbrady
Luboš Hradec, Miroslav Mužík: NATURAL VIRTUAL

3rd place
Gymnázium Jana Keplera, Praha
Jan Kepler Grammar School, Prague
Dorothea Hofmeisterová, Johana Lesana Hofmeisterová, Mária Klára Fiala: Dětství Mojí Jarmily

Other years